Dernières nouvelles

Children's Activities and Summer Camp Title
Parish Summer Day Camp
St. Paul’s is running a three-week summer day camp for children in grades 1 to...
Square image of Mary with blue background
Full of Grace – Music & Poetry Devoted to The Virgin Mary
In honour of Mother's Day, we invite you to join us on May 10th, at 7:30...
St Joseph Concert Heralds of the Gospel-Sm
Concert in Honour of Saint Joseph, Patron of Canada
On March 21st, at 7 pm, St. Paul's Basilica will host the Heralds of the Gospel for...
TiWC - Tenebrae Service Graphic-Sm
Tenebrae: Service of Solemn Reflection of Holy Week
With a dimly-lit church, a rarely-seen candle holder, and somber tones, “Tenebrae” (Latin for...

Organ at St. Paul's Basilica
Take a few minutes to virtually visit our beautiful church and listen to the organ!
83 Power Street
Toronto, ON
M5A 3A8

Bureau/Adresse postale
83 Power Street
Toronto, ON
M5A 3A8

t:  416.364.7588

Rev. Robert O'Brien

Rev. Keith Wallace

Parish Staff
Lynett Wilson
Office Manager

Micah MacMullen
Youth Minister

Cathy LeBlanc

Jason Lo

Donate to the Community
Volunteer your time, talent and treasure to the catholic community both at the parish level and our larger community. Take a look at the various opportunities to support below.
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